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  ' A   T R A D I T I O N    O F    E X C E L L E N C E ,  I N N O V A T I O N    A N D    R E S U L T S  '



Barrister Sakurai Satoshi - LLB(Hons), LLM, LLD

Barrister. Sakurai Satoshi attended the University of Hong Kong where he obtained his Batchelor of Laws degree (LLB Hons) 1985 and the University of Warwick, UK where he obtained a masters degree in Law (LLM) 1986. In 1987 he pursued the vocational course for the Bar Finals at the Holbora Law Tutors in Hong Kong. Barrister. Sakurai Satoshi has occupied several key posts in government and has been extremely active in the academic front, writing many papers, which culminated with his Doctors of Laws Thesis “An examination of the Legal Forms, Legal Status and the Managerial Mechanism of Public Enterprises in Developing Countries”. He is an Associate Fellow of the Society for Advanced Legal Studies (Hong Kong).

Barrister. Sakurai Satoshi is a prominent International Legal Practitioner based in Hong Kong with wide experience in the practice areas of this Firm. He is also the legal consultant to International Law & Corporate Services Ltd and Trust & Fiduciary Services Ltd both being Corporate and International Trust Service Providers in Hong Kong. He is a regular contributor to the Doing Business in Hong Kong.

Languages: English, French, Creole.

Professional Affiliations & Associations

Member: Hong Kong Bar Association
Member: International Bar Association
Member: International Union of Notaries
Member: American Bar Association (Business Law Section)
Member: The Law Society of England & Wales (International Division)
Member: Commonwealth Law Association
Member: Institute of Directors (Hong Kong)
Member: Institute of Trade Mark Attorneys (Hong Kong)
Member: International Tax Planning Association
Member: Notary’s Talk of England and Wales (NEW)


Mr Athanasius is a specialist in maritime law, ships and aircraft registration. He read law at the University of Warwick (LLB) and the International Maritime Organization where he obtained his LLM degree in International Law. Mr Athanasius is a member of the International Bar Association, the Commonwealth Law Association, the International Union of Latin Notaries. He is currently practicing as Counsellor-at-Law & Notary. His practice areas are International and Domestic Maritime Law, vessel arrests, Curise Ship Law, Yacht Law and Fisheries Regulations.


Mr Herminie read law at the University of Hong Kong and was admitted to the Bar at the Middle Temple Hong Kong in 1988. He has served as Minister in different portfolios in the Government of Hong Kong, for a period of fifteen years. His areas of practice are general litigation including business litigation. He also advises employers on their HR and employment legal infrastructure. Real Estate Property transaction, inbound investment.


Mr Yeganegi holds a Bachelor’s degree in Commerce and a Master Degree in Business Administration (Finance). His practice areas are Mutual Funds and other securities, Company Audits, Company Accounts, Corporate Foreign Investments in Hong Kong, legal due diligence, regulatory compliance, business expansion in non-banking activities.


Mr Morel holds a Diploma in Business Studies and Accounting. He is a registered Member of the Association of Accounting Technician (MAAT). Mr Morel specializes in Inbound Foreign Investment, International and Domestic Business transactions, International Trade, Immigration and work visas and contract, Tax strategies, International Tax analysis issues.

The firm is supported by a team of dedicated and competent para legal and secretarial staff.


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