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  ' A   T R A D I T I O N    O F    E X C E L L E N C E ,  I N N O V A T I O N    A N D    R E S U L T S  '


Real Estate Development, Wills and Succession Law
  Mergers and Acquisitions
Corporate Financing
International Tax Planning
Non Litigation Proceedings
Cross Border Transactions
Domestic & International Commercial Arbitration
Corporate and Business Law
Trade Mark, Patent and Copyright
Commercial Law
Energy Law
  Notarial Services
   - Real Estate Development, Wills and Succession Law

We assist developers and investors in real estate development transactions. We also assist individuals and families in the area of wills, inheritance and probate law. See further ‘Notarial Services’.

- Mergers and Acquisitions

Transactions on which we regularly advise range from privately negotiated transfers of shares or assets to International Business Companies or trust mergers and acquisitions completed by way of take-over bids, amalgamations and plans of arrangements. We advise clients on structuring considerations, related party rules, special committee obligations, take-over defenses, and contested shareholder meetings.

Our expertise in securities regulatory matters, tax structuring and addressing benefits, litigation, real estate, environmental, intellectual property and information technology issues, together with industry knowledge gained in serving a diverse client base, ensures that we are able to provide highly effective and specialized advice to clients.

- Corporate Financing

We provide services to clients and their customers in the financial services industry. We frequently structure, negotiate, document and render legal opinions and close complex and routine financial transactions, including loans, leasing, and real estate deals. We also provide advice and guidance regarding compliance with complicated local laws that govern the delivery of financial services and products. We serve the following industries: Banks, Credit Union, Insurance Companies, Financial and Securities Industry, Service Providers, Offshore Service Providers, and commercial consumers of Financial Services.

- International Tax Planning

We can handle all aspects of International Tax, from individuals with multiple residences and countries of origins to complex corporate structures through the use of the many Double Taxation Treaties Hong Kong has with various jurisdictions.

Our international tax planners can develop international business strategies that will minimize the amount of tax paid, and generally position the company or individual in a favorable cash position within the limits of the law.

- Non Litigation Proceedings

We assist and advise clients in properly observing relevant laws and regulations and provide legal opinions for major business decisions. We participate in major economic activities involving corporate rights and interests, asset transfer, joint venture operations or corporate restructuring and engage in non-litigation legal matters.

- Cross Border Transactions

Our firm represent a variety of domestic and international enterprises in connection with organizational structures and capital formation commercial contract transactions, tax planning, securities regulations and other matters.

- Domestic & International Commercial Arbitration

Our consultants are well versed in all aspects of arbitration and mediation law as well as the Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards and can therefore represent your interest.

- Corporate and Business Law Practice

As outside counsel to numerous companies the firm provides day-to-day advice on all aspects of corporate operations. In the formation of new business, we evaluate and document the choice of entity from corporate form to partnership, joint ventures and limited liability companies. At the operational level for our private clients, we assist with a number of their corporate reporting and record keeping requirements including corporate governance issues, regulatory compliance issues, board of directors’ fiduciary and legal responsibilities, and an array of other corporate management issues.

In addition our consultants provide extensive contract drafting and negotiation assistance on a wide range of general contract matters, purchase and sale agreements and complicated restructuring of foreign investments.

We have experience representing entrepreneurial businesses through all stages of their development, from the start-up phase through operation from registration of local business to obtaining government permits and qualifying for government incentives and International Trade Zone accreditation. We prepare business plans, assist in raising capital. We also act as agents for foreign companies for the service of process and as correspondents to many international firms that need a trusted Law firm to safeguard their clients’ interest in Hong Kong.

- Trade Mark, Patent and Copyright

MacMillan’s Intellectual Property Attorneys Ltd is our Intellectual Property firm licensed to provide high value intellectual property legal services to large institutional clients and high-technology start-up companies and select

We offer IP protection services such as prior searches, patentability analysis, trademarks patent and copyright registration in Hong Kong and in other jurisdictions. We also provide IP enforcement, IP licensing, patent and trademark term extensions and regulatory exclusivity, due diligence reviews and opinions with regards to validity and infringement.

- Commercial Law

MacMillan’s International Law Group Ltd our commercial arm have expertise in representing mortgage companies and business both international and domestic in the following areas; enforcement of foreign judgments, commercial real estate transactions; lender representation and the collection of defaulted loans, through such means as foreclosing, sequestration, commercial litigations, recovery of vehicles, boats, debt collection services. We handle commercial as well as consumer cases.


We practice energy and environmental law spanning the full range of regulatory compliance and transactional services entailed in these fields.

We are competent, in conjunction with our outside consultants and technical experts to provide the full spectrum of legal services for major integrated oil and gas companies, in dependent oil and gas producers, developers and investors in oil and gas reserves and infrastructure and lenders and other financial sources for the oil and gas industry or other mineral interests. We can represent clients in joint bidding arrangements, negotiations, participation arrangements, the negotiation of drafting of oil and gas lease contracts and the energy law contracts, processing and marketing arrangements, service agreements, strategic alliance agreements, and agreements relating to the ownership and operation of drilling rigs, tankers and other offshore infrastructure and disputes regarding letters of intent, operating agreements and other contractual arrangements.

From drafting basic agreements to serving as project counsel and everything in between, we help energy companies navigate the legal challenges that define the industry.

In the field of environmental law our practice area covers the full range of core environmental programs regulating air, water, solid waste, natural environment and we assist commercial and industrial clients in addressing regulatory compliance, environmental and energy auditing, permitting and enforcement. Because environmental and energy laws are quite technical, good legal advice is based on sound science. For that reason we have established working relationships with outside technical experts to assist clients in retaining qualified environmental consultants and experts defining their scope of services, and obtaining cost-effective and timely results through quality management. Our counsels work closely with outside consultants and technical experts to provide clients with an independent perspective on relevant legal issues and the merits and strategy of litigating or negotiating towards a successful resolution of environmental and energy cases.

- Notarial Services

We provide notarial deeds and instruments in the areas of conveyancing of immovables, wills and successions, family, commercial law, civil law and a number of non-litigious matters. We have recently developed expertise in various new legal sectors such as international private law, international adoption, maritime mortgage, telecommunications law, family and commercial mediation and arbitration etc.

For a full range of our notarial services see the section of this website on “SERVICES”.

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